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With plumbing sequestered deep within your home's walls, it’s easy to forget about maintaining and replacing it. Depending on the age of your home, your plumbing may be due for a complete overhaul. On the other hand, you could just have some minor issues that need to be worked out. How can you tell? Here are a few of the major signs that the time has come to replace your plumbing.
Is Your System at the End of Its Life?
The type of pipe you have will affect how long they last. Your first step in determining whether your plumbing has to be replaced should be to find out what material it's made of.
Drain/Vent Piping:
Water Piping:
If your pipes are approaching the end of their life span, consider calling a plumber to replace them before they fail.
Your Water Is Discolored
As mentioned, certain pipe materials may corrode over time. When they corrode, they can start to leak. Corrosion is often evident in a change in coloration of your water. You may even see rust flakes in your water. Your water may also look yellow, brown, or somewhere in between.
Your Monthly Water Bill Is Rising
If your water bill keeps rising, but your usage is staying the same, your pipes are likely leaking. Leaking pipes will get worse over time, potentially causing damage to the structure of your home. Get repairs as soon as possible to avoid more serious issues.
You Notice Visible Signs of Leaking
You may see staining along your ceiling or walls if your pipes are leaking inside of the walls. You may also notice that your home is wetter than normal, with higher levels of humidity. Mold and mildew may begin to grow, or condensation could start forming on metal and glass.
You're Experiencing Low Water Pressure ( Volume , actually)
When you turn your faucet on, does it come on with less strength than it used to? Low water pressure and/or water volume (often mistaken for one another) is one of the most distinct signs that your pipes could be leaking or corroded, and need to be replaced. When galvanized water lines become clogged with corrosion, less and less water can come through. This gives the illusion that you are losing ‘water pressure’. What’s REALLY happening is that the piping is so corroded that the water can barely push through to your faucet – giving you the illusion of low pressure. Think of it this way: If you barely turn on a garden faucet with a hose attached, and then walk to the end of the hose... it will appear as though you have no ‘pressure’, when in fact, you have no ‘volume’ because you need to open the garden faucet more. Having corroded water piping will restrict the water from coming through at a good pace. By replacing the corroded piping with new water lines, you have just ‘opened the garden valve’ more, letting more water flow to your faucets!
If it's time to replace your plumbing, you should get a consultation and a quote from a plumber first. Aurora Plumbing will be able to give you options and tell you whether your plumbing truly needs replacement. Get started now by contacting Aurora Plumbing for an estimate.
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