A half-bathroom typically includes a toilet and a sink, eliminating the shower or tub. The quick access bathroom is ideal for using the toilet or preparing yourself in the mirror for the day. When you consider installing a new bathroom in your home, a number of locations are ideal for a half-bathroom.
Learn about three unique locations to add a half-bathroom and ways to take advantage of the unique locations.
1. Children's Bedroom
In many modern homes, a master bedroom often has a master bathroom with multiple features, including a shower and toilet. Your child could benefit from their own bathroom as well — just without all of the extra elements. A half-bathroom provides a lot of needs and will help your child build up healthy routines as they grow older.
The add-on bathroom will give the child a chance to access the bathroom quickly during the middle of the night or in the morning when they wake up. With their toothbrush supplies available, a child can learn to develop healthy brushing habits.
A bathroom within the room also increases the safety of the child. For example, instead of wandering down the hall in the darkness of night, a child can enter their own bathroom just a few feet away. They will not have to pass by stairs or other potential hazards within the home.
When your child is mature enough to not play with a toilet or mess around with water, you can consider the installation. You could also install the bathroom and keep the area locked until the child is ready to use the bathroom on their own. Every child is different, so the exact age depends on their behavior and actions at home.
You can spend extra time going over the bathroom rules and guidelines so a child understands the expectations that come with having their own bathroom space.
2. Garage
If your garage has enough space, consider a half-bathroom in one of the back corner areas. One of the main benefits of a bathroom installation in a garage is the convenience. If you work on cars or hang out in the garage a lot, the close location will save time and makes it easier to use the bathroom.
When you work on cars or complete other projects, you could have grease, oil, paint, and debris on your hands. You do not want to track all of the dirt and grime into the house. The quick bathroom access prevents the spread into the home, and the sink allows you to easily clean up before you actually do go back into the home.
The garage bathroom is also a nice addition for when you host outdoor picnics and gatherings. Instead of having people come in and out of your house, guests can use the garage bathroom. During the warmer months, you will prevent flies and other bugs from entering the home when people use the garage bathroom.
3. Pool Houses
If your home has a pool, then consider a small half-bathroom for the pool house area. Just like the garage, a pool house bathroom will prevent the spread of water and dirt into the home when someone has to use the bathroom after swimming. The close proximity of the pool house allows someone to use the bathroom and quickly reenter the pool.
A pool house bathroom also offers easy changing opportunities. After you're done swimming, you can dry off and change right inside the bathroom. You could also stock the area with an air dryer and other accessories necessary to get dressed. You will save time and do not need to enter the house with wet feet and bathing suits.
Get started with your bathroom upgrades using our professional services at
Aurora Plumbing. We will help you plan and install a half-bathroom in any location of the home.